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Mio Marito

"Mio marito" is Italian for "my husband". This piece was a special dedication to him, plus, I wanted to experience the deconstruction of a familiar culture to mine (Macedonian) and reconstruct it my own way.

I completed this painting over 8 weeks with Perth Art Academy and my main focus was to tackle colour theory, in general, but taught like the Old Masters.

One of those painters, Andres Zorn, a famous Swedish painter from the 18th & the 1900s, is well known for his colour palette (the Zorn palette) which is limited to 4 pigments (lead white, yellow ochre, vermillion red and ivory black). It achieves simplistic temperatures and overall colour harmony and is one of many reasons why it is most artists' go-to colour palette.

I used this palette as a guide for my painting but as I colour swatched these pigments, I realised that raw sienna, ultramarine blue and touches of alizarin crimson and cadmium red would add great depth to my overall storytelling.

This is something I can once again be proud of, I learnt a lot within those short 8 weeks and I produced a beauty like this. It says so much, I hope you see it too.

About Mio Marito?

This art piece represents a narrative of new and old, a story of history. As someone who grew up with similar European cultural ideals, this painting engages in deconstruction and reconstruction. Collage is used to deconstruct my husband's Italian cultural identity however, the act of re-constructing, depicts how this identity was assembled and expanded to begin with.

(40 W x 50 H cm, oil on canvas, 2024)

"Mio marito" is not available for purchase.

local artist oil painting


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